Month: September 2020

What’s Inside My Smartphone?What’s Inside My Smartphone?

Most of us are familiar with the exteriors of our phone and what they’re built off. Some can even describe them in terms of design language. But when we’re talking about the inside that is a different story entirely. If we were to take one apart we don’t know a lot about what we will find. This article will help answer the question: What’s inside my smartphone?

A Display

If you open up your smartphone one of the first things you encounter is your display. LED and LCD are the most common types of display technology. LED displays don’t have the same viewing angle problems, as they’re cheaper LCD cousins and have become increasingly popular for manufacturers.


Your smartphone is effectively a computer in your hand. It needs a CPU or a central processing unit. This controls all aspects of your phone including your multimedia, mobile communications, and graphics but it also combines with other chips.


Your GPU or graphics processing unit is designed to help your phone display 2D and 3D graphics. It takes basic information from the programs on your phone and converts graphics on your phone’s display.


This is considered part of the CPU but it’s important to mention your memory management unit. This is designed to enable your phones use of virtual memory, helping it navigate between physical and virtual addresses.

A L1 and L2 cache

Designed to run the same speed as your CPU, L1 cache is the most commonly used and fastest in your phone. L2 the larger cache, sometimes up to 4 megabytes. It runs a little slower than L1 but it provides far more services for the entirety of your phone.

A Video and Display processor

Working in conjunction with your phone’s GPU and CPU your display processor helps enhance scale and rotate any imagery on your phone. It helps support of the 4K resolutions and your GPU which is designed to process 3D graphics which are important for high-end video encoding and decoding.

Memory & Storage

No smartphone can function without RAM or random access memory. Most standard smartphones come with 2GBs of RAM today but some offer much more. Your rhyme is a workers of your phone and is important in determining how fast it will operate. Some smartphone manufacturers are limited to 2GBs. Its not unheard of for manufacturers to include up to 16GB not even 32 GB of RAM. We would never advise buying a smartphone with less than 4GBs.

A Modem

Your modem enables your connectivity to the internet, most smartphones that they include 4G LTE modems. The vast majority come from Qualcomm the leader in the market however Huawei and Samsung also provide high-end modems.

A Camera and Image Signal Processor

From the outside you can clearly see your camera. Most smartphones come with at least two cameras but it’s common to see three or four these days. Each camera will be made up of an image processor a lens and a sensor.


Your DAC or Digital to Analog Converter is designed to convert Digital data into an analogue waveform to allow you to hear the sound either coming from your speaker or headphones. Your DSP or Digital Signal Processor hubs manipulate these audio signals.And can catch signal

A set of Speakers

Depending on the smartphone it’s speakers will come in all sizes and shapes some are included along the bottom edge others are on the front on the phone you do occasionally find speakers installed on the back however for the best audio quality we recommend purchasing a phone that is from facing speakers

Final thoughts

We hope that this article will help you understand what’s inside my smartphone as most of us are very familiar with the externals of our smartphones and how they operate. An appreciation of the complexity of the computer you hold your hand May previous phone how it’s wireless communications navigation system audio system chips and camera combined to provide you with daily functions you’ve become accustomed to.

Understanding that these functions are a consequence of a highly complicated system that helps both yourself and hardware combine to provide you with the best experience possible from your answer